Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Car Shopping

I started the car shopping process yesterday. Well, I have been shopping online for a while to get ideas and pricing, but seeing things in real life is a bit more important to me. I have been looking at the Nissan Maximas, Altimas, and a few others. The VW Passats have really caught my eye too. I am not really dead-set on anything yet, just something as fuel-efficient as possible. Used/new...haven't really decided yet either. So anywho, Mom dropped her car off at the Nissan place for some minor repairs last week and we went to pick it up yesterday afternoon. While we were there, we decided to take a look around. Man oh man, those car salesmen are like fleas...waiting around for the next person to drive up so they can jump right on and irritate the piss out of you (excuse my language). This is my first buying experience. All of the cars I have driven and paid for have been in my mother's name. Needless to say, it was a stressful experience for me. I keep to myself mostly; I go with the flow and always take the time to hear what others have to say, but I can be pretty easily persuaded at times. That is one quality that you shouldn't take to the car dealership with you, just FYI.
Mysa, the salesman that was hustling me, was of course ready for me to buy right then. Hey, I don't really blame him, that is his job. If my income depended on how many automobiles I could sell, you better believe I would be pushy too. People gotta eat, right?! One thing I didn't understand though (feel free to help me out on this one), is what relevance "What type of food do you like to eat" had on me buying a car? I thought hey, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that the question was part of his sales gig. Maybe it was some sort of illusion he was trying to create that would make me hungry and then trigger some sort of inner response to buying a car. You never know, right? Wrong. Little Mysa was trying to get a date I think. Not cool. I do not have anything against car salesmen really, as individuals, I just prefer a guy that can properly pronounce my know, Evelyn not Evethyn. He made me feel dirty, that sleazy, i-want-to-rip-you-off-then-take-you-out kind of dirty. Not a fun car buying experience to say the least. I could have been wrong. Maybe the not so subtle slide of the business card with his personal number on the back and the sly wink while handing it over was just a friendly salesman gesture. I think I am pretty good about reading people though.
Well, Saturday will be another car shopping day...dun, dun, dun. I will be sure to let you know how that experience goes.

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