Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Update

After work yesterday, Josh and I took Ellie swimming for the first time this year. We had such a good time. Josh's parents have a pool at their house that was already eighty degrees! It was a little cool, but it felt so good with the hot weather. Nothing compared to the seventy degree pool at our house...brrrr. So anyway, after work I ran home, changed clothes, got Ellie ready, and headed to meet Josh. Ellie was so precious in her new Memorial Day swimsuit! This picture was taken just a little bit after arriving. The water was too cool for her liking, but she sat along the edge and kicked her feet around in the water. I put her in with me a couple of times, but she was a little cold. I guess my motherly instincts were kicking in, or it may have been that she was shivering, had chill bumps, and her lips were turning purple. Nah, it wasn't that bad. She was really more interested in playing around the pool than playing in the pool.
This next picture of Ellie is my favorite! Modeling her swimsuit. She is such a ham. Speaking of ham, look at those thighs! She got those from me, cottage cheese and all! Aren't they precious?! This is really a funny photo, because she spent the first half hour we were there trying to get up on that chair. Then, when she finally did she realized her feet would go through to the ground...not what she had in mind at all. Josh snapped this picture just before she frantically reaches for my hand to help her out of the trap she got herself into.

Here we are lounging around in the pool. This was really the only way Ellie wanted to be in the water. Give her time, I am sure by the end of the summer I won't be able to keep her out of the pool.
Kids are so funny. I noticed yesterday if Josh and I were playing in the pool, splashing around and such, she had this intense look of concern on her little face. A few times she even let out a yell and held her hand out to me like she was going to help. She is such a sweetheart!
There is Josh, soaking up some rays! After playing in the pool and sitting in the sun, Josh's parents grilled some hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner. Mmmm...makes me hungry again just thinking about how good they were.
Then, after a long afternoon of frolic and fun, Ellie and I were both pooped! She slept the whole way home. She did not even wake up once we got home. I think that was the first time I have changed her in her sleep. Needless to say, we both had a GREAT Memorial Day together!

1 comment:

Lovely Lauren said...

Awww...how sweet! She is so precious in her red, white, and blue swimsuit! I'm glad ya'll had fun!