Friday, May 16, 2008

First Post

First time blogger! What better way to begin than with an introduction?! So, I am 24 and a mother to one...and that about sums up my life right now. j/k I work at the hospital in my hometown as the Emergency Management Coordinator and I am currently enrolled in school as well. So what's next? Why blogging? Well, I guess when it comes down to it I don't really feel like I take much time for myself. That sounds pretty selfish, but with a 16 month old, a full-time job, and school, my plate stays pretty full. Moms are supposed to handle all of those things and make it look easy, right? Hmmm...not so much in my case. The word chaos comes to mind. It makes for an interesting life, but it would be nice to just relax and recap some memorable moments once in a while. So here I am!

Ellie...yep, that is my little girl's name. Ellenoir Anne is her full name, but Ellie is what we call her. She has got to be the most adorable little thing I have ever seen! I better say that, right? What kind of mother would I be if I spent my first blog dogging my offspring? Seriously though, she makes me melt! I will post a picture of her as soon as I figure that task out. Yes, I suffer from an acute case of computer illiteracy. It's ok though, I am seeking help.

So, being a mother has quite the challenges involved. I would have to say that the hardest thing for me, thus far, has been patience. I have always been a pretty laid-back person. The type that goes with the flow; not expecting much and dealing well with change. Boy, do things change when that little one gets here. If you do not respond well to people trying your patience, then I don't recommend having babies. People say, "Awww, they are great" and "when it is your own child you will have more patience than you think." Sure, trick 'em into thinking they can handle hourly screaming sessions from a little person after a sleepless night.

Don't get me wrong, children are great! They are especially great when they are yours, but I find myself asking God to give me patience more and more with every day that passes. Sometimes I feel like He is just laughing at me.... at my knotted hair that has just been pulled out or my soaked face from the vomit that Ellie managed to project all over me (who knew so much liquid could come out of a child?). He's just laughing. Thinking, "Oh, that Evelyn is such a character." I have always thought of God as having a great sense of humor. Being a mother has only reinforced that theory.

Even though I complain sometimes, I really would not change being a mother. Granted, I am working toward being a better mother, but that is all part of the job. There are just so many rewards that come along with it. From sitting up for the first time, to running through the house...the rewards are endless. What a wonderful blessing!

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