Friday, August 1, 2008

Rocky Top

Yep, headed to Knoxville for the weekend! Ellie will be with her father this weekend and rather than missing her at home, I'll be missing her in Tennessee. We are going to have a blast though! Felicia, my niece, is going with me to visit Lauren. Even though I love my time alone, it's going to be great to have a traveling buddy...and who better than my precious niece?!

See, my brother and his wife are headed back to Indiana today (tear), but Felicia will be staying with us another week! :) I don't think I have mentioned much about Felicia thus far. She's ten and the youngest of my brother's girls. He has one other sixteen year old, Elizabeth, who didn't have the chance to come visit this go around. Hopefully soon though!

So anyway, I have a cute story about Felicia. Ellie has been SO taken by her this whole visit. The first night they arrived Ellie was crawling up into Felicia's lap begging for her attention. It usually takes Ellie a day or two to warm up to new people, but not in this case. She's been following Felicia around this whole's so cute!

On Wednesday, when I got home from work I asked Dad how the day went with the grandbabies. He smiled and said great. Then, he proceeded to tell me earlier that morning Felicia had taken Ellie upstairs to play with the toys in Ellie's room, but Felicia came back down a little later alone. Of course Dad asked where Ellie was and Felicia just replied with a, "She was falling asleep while we were playing, so I put her down for a nap in her crib." I just thought that was so precious. Here is a girl who is the youngest, so she hasn't really had to "care" for anyone. She can barely reach Ellie's crib as it is, but she took the initiative to tend to Ellie's needs regardless. I just thought that was so sweet. I guess I just look at it like I was the youngest and at ten I probably wouldn't have done the same.

We have a fun weekend ahead of us. Lauren and I are taking Felicia to see the new Batman movie and to do some other fun stuff. I have to say, I think I'm more excited about the movie than she is. I'm pumped! Seriously, we watched Batman Begins last night and it was AWESOME! Where have I been? I can't believe that was the first time I watched it. I can honestly say it won't be the last time! I'll let you know how The Dark Knight goes. :)

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