Thursday, August 28, 2008

Identity Update

There have been some changes to the identity theft situation I experienced last weekend, so I thought I would do a short update. Another piece of valuable information to those of us naive, somewhat illiterate, bankers who miss the fine print...apparently my savings account is somehow directly linked to my checking account. Excuse me, what? Could you please repeat that information and slap an IDIOT sign on my forehead?! What do you think I'm am? Yes, I know that I can access both accounts from the ATM, but...

Ahhhhhh man....

Wait, what is that huge light? And that distinct "ding" sound I hear? Oh, nevermind that's my light bulb going off. Don't mind the flickering, it hasn't been used in some time so it takes some warming up.

Does this mean he got into my savings account too?

That's right ladies and gentlemen, the thief made out with $200 more of my money. Luckily, the bank only allows for a max withdrawal of $200 in a 24 hour period at an ATM. That could have gotten real bad, real quick seeing that I have well over $200 in savings. Gah! Makes me ill just thinking about it. So, I have to head back over to the bank again this afternoon to fill out more paperwork.

Although, there was a glimpse of hope for human honesty yesterday and I was lucky enough to experience it. On Wednesday nights I have a class from 6:30pm-9:00pm and the instructor always allows for a 10min break. Well, I'm not much of an avid breaker, but yesterday I thought a little caffeine might help with my tired state. So, several of my classmates and I headed down to the vending machines. After inserting $2 for my Dt. Coke, I sluggishly grabbed my refreshment and made my way back up to class. I only made it about five steps before hearing one of my classmates say, "Hey, you forgot your change!" My heart leapt with, I'm not cheap (even though I do think $1.25 is a little steep for a Coke), I was just pleasantly surprised by her honesty. The only thing I could think to say (overly exaggerated I might add) was,"Thank you SO much! I really really appreciate your honesty."

Given the awkward, rather scared look on the girl's face, I then realized my reaction may have been a bit much for three quarters. I'm sure I came across as an extremely gracious penny pincher, but I took the walk back to class to explain my reasoning for such a response. Of course she completely understood then, but felt compelled to throw in a "maybe next time you should try to remember you card." Genius! Why didn't I think of that one?!

So that's my story. I felt like maybe reinforcing the fact that honesty IS appreciated would help my matter in some future karma retrospect.

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